Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fabulous Scrapbooks to me has nothing to do with how fancy my pages are or how much time I spend on them. Every page is individual and my mood may be different everytime I sit down to work on pages.

When I was working on my daughters graduation album I kept the pages simple and clean. I was under a time constraint and didn't have time to spend hours on each layout. But I still think it turned out fabulous.

little lamb 1little lamb 2

It was fabulous because I got to spend one on one time scrapbooking with my daughter. It was fabulous because it was a treasure for her to always keep. It was fabulous because it was about family and her history.

Family is what fabulous scrapbooking is all about. The pages don't have to look like they came from a magazine. They can, but they don't have to. Your scrapbook is yours and that is what makes it fabulous.

Whether you do simple pages or elaborate ones doesn't matter. Do what works for you and your scrapbooks will be fabulous.

Happy Scrappin!