Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mission: Organize Scrapbook Room - Eyelets

If you are following along my Scrapbook Room Organization posts, you might want to start at the beginning - Mission: Organize Scrapbook Room

Do you have about a gajillion eyelets in your scrapbook room? I sure do and I've tried several different ways to organize them. Those little beasts are the darndest things to hold on to! They go skittering away and lose themselves in any little nook or cranny.

Originally I tried organizing them in tiny ziplock bags. At first I slipped the bags in baseball card or sticker sleeves and put those in a binder, but everytime the binder got tipped upside down they would slide out.

Next I put them in those plastic boxes with dividers (found in the fishing dept.), which worked fairly well, but they were a little hard to see from the outside and the little compartments were hard to get my fingers into. Plus if the box got tipped they sometimes slipped into other compartments, mixing the colors up.

Finally I found the neatest, little compact containers for storing small scrapbook embellishments at Scrapbook.com. They take up about half the room of the fishing tackle boxes and each one holds 24 little flip top containers. No more spilling, just tip out the number of eyelets you need and they are see-through too!

I had a hard time finding it on their site but if you go to Scrapbook.com, click on superstore, then type "uniek" in their search box it will take you right to it.

eyelet storage 2

I like to slip a note in with the company name and color of the eyelet so I can replace just the right color when I run out.

eyelet storage

If you want something more portable to take to scrapbook crops with you, Craft Mates has a really nice, compact system that includes 6 little organizers that all slide into a carrying case with a handle. It is more pricey, but if you go to a lot of crops it would be so nice to sit on your table and not have to paw through a bunch of little boxes. It's called the Craft Mates - Ezy Lockin Caddy - Craft Embellishment Organizer - Purple. Here is a picture of it:

My next post will be on ribbon organizing, so stay tuned!

Happy Scrappin!