Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mission: Organize Scrapbook Room

Do you have an area to scrapbook at home? Having a special place to scrapbook has made so much difference for me. I can leave my project out to work on as I have time and I love having all my scrapbook tools, paper and embellishments in easy reach.

My first spot was a corner in my home office with a desk area and a closet I converted to storage for my scrapbook supplies. It worked well for a while, but in the process of some home rearranging, my office space also became home to our homeschool supplies and a sewing corner.

first srapbook room

So I had to search for another scrapbooking area. There was an unused nook at the top of our stairs under the eaves. The space was pretty much unused except for some low bookshelves I'd tucked under the knee wall.

A couple Saturday's ago I hauled everything up and arranged the desks, shelves and plastic drawer units where I wanted them. Everything else got stacked here and there, but now it awaits organization.

I am anxious to get back to scrapbooking, so I plan to tackle that job this week, working a little at a time. For the next several days I will chronicle how I organize my scrapbook room and post pictures of the progress. Maybe you can get some ideas of how to organize your scrapbook room too.

Here are some before photos of the moving mess. You can get an idea of the layout of the area at least. As you can see it is organized in a U-shape! The desks and shelves form the U and the plastic drawers are at the top of the U.

organizing scrapbook room 1

organizing scrapbook room 2

organizing scrapbook room 3

organizing scrapbook room 4

I'll keep you updated as Mission: Organize My Scrapbook Room - Getting Started progresses.

Happy Scrappin!