Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mission: Organize Scrapbook Room - Getting Started

After a very busy weekend, I finally found time to get started on organizing my scrapbook room. What a mess. You can see what it looked like before here. I decided to clear off one of the desks completely and made labels for different scrapbook supplies such as scrapbook magazines, whole paper, paper scraps, photos and tools.

sorting desk

sorting desk 2

Next I started piling the items next to their appropriate labels. Anything that didn't belong in the room went into a box. I also had a trash can handy for, well, trash!

sorting scrapbook supplies

If you have more catagories you could go through this same process as many times as you need. Now I've got my scrapbook supplies divided up into piles by catagory. Next post I will begin organizing them into containers and setting up the room the way I want it.

Happy Scrappin!